What kinds of psychological difficulties can Catherine Petit (Lic. Psychologist) help you with?
The emotional cycle of deployment Operational stress Psychological trauma Post traumatic stress
Re-entry/reverse culture shock Family reintegration Spousal separation during a posting Adaptation to a war injury
How does a psychotherapy work?
I am a Blue Cross services provider for National Defence, Veterans Affairs and the RCMP.
I meet with you in my office for one-hour private sessions. I am obliged to protect confidentiality and uphold my profession’s ethical standards. At the first meeting, you tell me about your current concerns. I do not mind if your thoughts are scattered, if you cry or if you keep silent. I am here to listen to you and support you on your personal journey.
I have extensive experience in desensitization treatment for traumatic war experiences. I can listen, de-sensitive and support you as you make progress in dealing with the atrocities you may have witnessed, particularly in the former Yugoslavia or Rwanda. I prefer the EMDR approach to treat psychological trauma. My knowledge and experience of intercultural psychology will help us put your experience in context. I will help you accept your family’s experience to promote positive, post-deployment relationships.
I am sometimes consulted by the family members of a soldier preparing for another tour of duty or seeking support on returning home from duty.
For RCMP members, I can help you manage the stress of your private life and work life. I use the EMDR approach to desensitize work-related situations that conflict with your sense of humanity.